The Princess has always been fished by a crew of real princesses. We love catching fish and love turning them into a beautiful product. For more great photos and stories of Princess, her captain and crew go to: https://www.facebook.com/
The 2016 Crew:

Captain Heather with friend and fish biologist Wendy Holloway. Wendy was the first crew woman years ago on the F/V Papoose.

Meet our employees:

The 2020 Crew:

Rebecca “the Beast” Riesbick
Rebecca grew up fishing every salmon season with her highliner parents on the High Hope. She has also fished for herring and worked on fish tenders in Alaska. Rebecca just knows what to do on a boat. She’s an amazing diesel stove chef, glazer and fish stacker extraordinaire.

Heather “The Skipper” Sears
Official bill payer, boat driver and worrier. Heather started trolling with her dad at eight years old, bought her first boat at 21 and three boats later owns and operates the Princess with her awesome crew and yappy fish dogs Julie and Chloe. She lives to fill the fish hold with perfect frozen fish.